University at Buffalo Nanosatellite Laboratory
Put your work in space
Summer Internship Program
The program is set up with training workshops so interns learn skills like soldering, circuits, systems engineering, etc.. In addition to the training workshops, interns will work on a high-altitude balloon project. Interns go through the same training that our university students go through. It is challenging but extremely rewarding. The project gives interns a chance to put what they learn into action.
There are 2 dedicated internship coordinators. Coordinators work full time and are in charge of running the workshops and managing the project. The coordinators put together a master schedule to make sure that interns meet their internship requirements. They also try to make sure time slots are organized so everyone gets some individual or small group attention from the UBNL team. Interns are treated as full members of the team!
Interns must have transportation to and from the lab. We can move around the schedule for the most part to accommodate transportation times.
The lab is really fun and there’s a lot to learn. Put quite simply, students get out of the experience what they put into it.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to: liaknoer@buffalo.