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involves the design and implementation of systems responsible for directing the motion of vehicles or objects. Guidance focuses on providing instructions for reaching a destination, navigation involves determining the vehicle's position, and control ensures the vehicle follows the desired path. Together, GNC systems play a crucial role in the precise and efficient movement of various platforms, such as spacecraft, aircraft, and autonomous vehicles.

Subsystem Information 

involves the design and implementation of systems responsible for directing the motion of vehicles or objects. Guidance focuses on providing instructions for reaching a destination, navigation involves determining the vehicle's position, and control ensures the vehicle follows the desired path. Together, GNC systems play a crucial role in the precise and efficient movement of various platforms, such as spacecraft, aircraft, and autonomous vehicles.

involves the design and implementation of systems responsible for directing the motion of vehicles or objects. Guidance focuses on providing instructions for reaching a destination, navigation involves determining the vehicle's position, and control ensures the vehicle follows the desired path. Together, GNC systems play a crucial role in the precise and efficient movement of various platforms, such as spacecraft, aircraft, and autonomous vehicles.

involves the design and implementation of systems responsible for directing the motion of vehicles or objects. Guidance focuses on providing instructions for reaching a destination, navigation involves determining the vehicle's position, and control ensures the vehicle follows the desired path. Together, GNC systems play a crucial role in the precise and efficient movement of various platforms, such as spacecraft, aircraft, and autonomous vehicles.

involves the design and implementation of systems responsible for directing the motion of vehicles or objects. Guidance focuses on providing instructions for reaching a destination, navigation involves determining the vehicle's position, and control ensures the vehicle follows the desired path. Together, GNC systems play a crucial role in the precise and efficient movement of various platforms, such as spacecraft, aircraft, and autonomous vehicles.

Guidance, Navigation & Control (GNC)

Involves systems that provide direction, determine the satellite's position, and ensure it follows the intended path. GNC plays a crucial role in the precise movement and control of satellites in space.

Integration & Testing (I&T)

Combining and evaluating individual components to ensure they work together smoothly. Integration connects different parts of the satellite, and testing verifies the integrated system's performance, identifying and addressing any issues. This phase is critical for validating the functionality and reliability of the complete satellite system.

Flight Software (FSW)

Software designed for controlling and managing the various functions of an aircraft or spacecraft. It is responsible for tasks such as navigation, guidance, propulsion, communication, and overall system control during flight. Flight software plays a critical role in ensuring the proper and safe operation of airborne or spaceborne vehicles.

Structures (STR)

Structures encompass the physical framework and components that form the satellite's body or chassis. These structures are designed to endure the harsh conditions of space, including launch forces, temperature variations, and microgravity. The structural elements provide support for satellite components, such as payload instruments and communication systems, ensuring the satellite's integrity and functionality in orbit.

Thermal (THM)

Thermals on a satellite involve the management of heat. Satellite thermal systems regulate temperature to prevent overheating or freezing of components. This is crucial for optimal performance and longevity in the space environment.

Operations (OPS)

Planning, execution, and monitoring of activities to achieve mission objectives. This includes controlling satellite functions, collecting data, and ensuring overall mission success through ground-based operations.

Communications (COM)

The transmission and reception of data between the satellite and ground stations or other satellites. This enables command and control, data transfer, and exchange of information, playing a vital role in various satellite missions, including remote sensing, navigation, and telecommunications.

Payload (PAY)

The payload on a satellite refers to the primary mission equipment or instruments carried for specific tasks. It can include sensors, cameras, scientific instruments, or communication devices, depending on the satellite's purpose. The payload is designed to fulfill the satellite's main objectives, such as Earth observation, scientific research, or telecommunications.

Directions to UBNL

Hochstetter Hall, Room 333 (Third Floor)

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